Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hoff-Vannatta House Added to Calendar April 29th

For years now, the Frontier Guard has supported the Hoff-Vannatta House by appearing at its spring and fall open house events.  Truth be told, the biggest reason we keep attending is that it's a lot of fun - a nice setting, an interesting historic structure, and great people.  April 29th will be the spring open house; come see the progress the historical society has made since last fall, and stop by and see us!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Join us at the State History Fair May 13th!

The Frontier Guard will be one of the exhibiting groups at this year's Spirit of the Jerseys State History Fair on May 13th.  As in the past two years, the Fair will be held at Monmouth Battlefield State Park.  There will be, as usual, a large number of demonstrations and historic preservation associations.  Check out the Fair's website here: 2017 Spirit of the Jerseys Fair